Birthday celebrations - are yours memorable and meaningful?

Birthday celebrations - are yours memorable and meaningful?

Apr 02, 2023

by Way-Ling Ho

For many children in early childhood settings, their main birthday celebration will be at the centre or school. Do you have "things" that you do or a ritual that ensures this is the best day and one of the most memorable days for them and their families? 

Of course, parents would really want to take the day off work and celebrate it with their child, but due to circumstances and many reasons (that we do not need to get into) we as the teachers are given the opportunity to really make this day special.

Being a teacher for many years I have seen some amazing celebrations where the child is celebrated, the teachers and the children all get involved in making the day special. This becomes something that everyone looks forward to when it is their birthday. This time is seen as a celebration and not just about the rainbow cake and treats that have been bought.

And then I have seen some that I just want to forget, where the child was made to feel that it was such an effort to just get candles for the cake 😭

We are in a time now where you as the teacher have to take photos and videos to share with the parents and then this gets reshared to family all over the world. So how are you going to make sure how you celebrate the child's birthday is memorable and photo worthy?

This is going to be specific to your community, your centre culture and the budget that you have. It does not have to be the most expensive ideas or all about the food served, but just little things that make the day "extraordinary" and really celebrates the child whose birthday it is!

Here are some great ideas that you may want to try to enhance birthday celebrations to make them memorable and meaningful:

  • Make sure you have a birthday display that has the child's name, photo and date that is down at the children's level (this not only gives the children a sense of belonging, but they know they have a place and they are starting to learn the concepts of time-year, month, day and date)
  • Have a special cloak or costume that the birthday child can wear (in one of my centres the children helped me sew a cape that was used as a birthday cape, they chose a neon green silk with black ribbon to tie the cloak- very original😜)
  • Create a special birthday hat or crown (children love drawing and adding stickers to this for their friends if you are making a cardboard crown or hat)
  • A special chair or "throne" that can be decorated with balloons, tinsel, fabric, natural materials like flowers and leaves. (A great task for the children to help with)
  • Singing the birthday child's favourtie song at meeting/mat times
  • Reading their favourite book or asking the birthday child to choose a book to read at meeting/mat time
  • Have a special box that has special memories that the child can talk about. (This would be more beneficial for older children as they can share their favourite toy, a photo of their dog, their special comfort blankie)
  • A birthday tray with real glass cup and saucer, plate and flowers (just like when you go to a high tea, oh so fancy🥰)
  • Bake a little cake just for the birthday child (this can be done with the birthday child and other children)
  • Create a playdough or clay cake that the child can take home (this is if your centre is limiting the amount of cakes and sweet treats in the centre)
  • Read through child's learning/memory books or portfolios of learning highlighting their growth
  • Play a favourtie game that the birthday child chooses, like musical chairs, Mr Wolf what is the time? Duck, duck goose. Pass the parcel, Sleeping lions
  • Children can choose to draw a special picture and say some words that you can write down on behalf of the child and bind this into a birthday book
  • Have a small present that can be bought or made by the children that can be gifted as a memory

Whatever new idea or ritual you decide to do, make sure that you have made the child feel special, celebrated, loved and that they have had a day they won't forget.

Happy Celebrating🥰